Life says choices
I say they're my own and only I can be judged from them. Many will be bad ones. Some will bring joy.
Life says money
I say always gonna be enough for what is needed, maybe not for what is wanted and wished, but always for what is needed. And I rather struggle through the paycheck than letting it define my life.
Life says trouble, worries, bad things, bad luck, heavy rain and thunderstorms
I say bring it, make it hard, make it learnable from, make it self defining and character building, show me what you've got in store for me
Life says death
I shake to the core and fall upon my knees... It hits hard. For a big while. Yet there's no unbounded fall, there's allways gonna be something to hold on to. And then
Life says love
And she shows up. Out of nowhere. So amazing, so undoubtedly beautiful that makes it all... different.