Monday, September 8, 2008

Meet Milady de Winter

Cardinal Richelieu: A word of caution, milady. A snap of my fingers, and you could be back on the block where I found you.
Milady: And with a flick of my wrist, I could change your religion.
Cardinal Richelieu: You're very persuasive.

Sabine de Winter is a problem. Friendly for those who favor her ways, if not... (Better luck next lifetime)
She is cold has ice, manipulative and hell-of-a protestant. (I question myself how The Lord lets this be.) She is the devils right-hand, her intentions are simple create kayos while she isn’t happy (poor Jack is the one who suffers the most), she whispers deceit, and shouts secrets. Pulls strings and love to do some arm-twisting. She is the best friend I could have. Better be on the side of the Queen of hell than be one more near the gates of heaven.

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