Monday, February 23, 2009

DO NOT meet Olivia

I'm not telling you who she is...
I'm not saying She is a Friend of Jack's and deWinter's. I won't talk about she being studing Health.
I'm not communicating that she' why it all started.
And most importantly I'm not breaking a promise to Jack about Writing something like "Meet Olivia"
Welcome Olivia


Milady De Winter said...

John, you totally rock dude!!

Milady De Winter said...

by the way....i like olivia!!

Sin said...

Olivia rocks!!! :p she´s one of those persons that´s impossible not to like!

Olivia said...

Yeiii an opportunity to practise my english =D (god, i'm rusty...)

John, I really appreciate the tittle "DO NOT meet Olivia" because I really wanted to keep a low profile! Guess that isn't really happening now.. But at least you didn't talked about me being friend with Jack and Milady and studying health! xD

I don't understand half the things you say, but I guess those are private jokes... This might be fun! =P

Olivia said...

By the way:


It might really damage your health! Both physically but mostly psicologically xD

Jack said...

I find myself imagining a distant future, when this blog has so many commenters that it will be "Meet ..." after "Meet ..." after "Meet ...".

Welcome Olivia, make yourself at home!
(yes, my skinny character is ironic, don't you dare to point it out!)

Milady De Winter said...

oops...i guess i gave her the right site after all...

(JaCk, i've been told forgiveness is a hell of a virtue....)

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