Monday, November 3, 2008

Go blind

When all is taken for granted, cinema is there to call us to reason.

What is the most precios thing you have? (and I'm talking about your body, not your posetions)

Mine, would be my arms, either one, I think if were to lose my uper limbs, I would be unuseful, obsolete. hugs would be just a small, distante memory.

Certantly you think that there is something more precios than the arms. And shorly you have a great reason for it.

What about if suddenly everyone went blind...
what a big problem it would be, firstly you wouldn't be able to read the rest of this briliant chronic.

You may think it would be caos, or the we wold just ajust our selfs to the situation. Your right either way and i'm not is a correct and certain answer. We have the great abilaty to adapt but that takes time in that time caos will be the defining word, but the night is dark just before the dawn, and every day stars with the first ray of sunshine.

Today, we're facing the crissis, may be that is the worst ever, and you just can see the dawn aproxing, and hope fates, remember there's no top or botem in life, it can always get worse.
So do your best, moralaty, economic, afective and religious, choise, and the worst case sinarium will just be a mirage

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