Friday, August 27, 2010

I’m not a lost case

Let me say before you read this, that is a tribute to Dewinter, and her confection of what she really thinks of me. To you DeWinter… Thanks for your honesty!

(John entered the Office, all in brownish colors with big book shelves filled with so many little files it was impossible to read them all in just a life time, and a big dark brown desk in front of a big window, on that desk there was a name tag and in it, it reads "Agent Eros")

Eros: SO! (Says a little man coming up from behind the desk) What brings you here?
John: I received a call, about my case…
Eros: All of you do. Tell me your full name and your case code, if you please.
John: My name is John Scar Kramer of Lioncourt… (Waits for the agent stops typing his name into the computer) and by case code is "L0V3-9U35T".
Eros: Huh hum… John Scar… (Searching for the file in the data base) Kramer of Lioncourt. Here it is! So let's see why you were called here, shall we? Hum hum… Oh dear! (Says Eros with worry all over his face)
John: What?! Is there something wrong? What is it?
Eros: I'm so sorry Mr. Lioncourt but it seems that this is a lost case…
John: a lost case?...
Eros: Yes, a lost case…
John: I don't understand… I… I am not that bad looking… and I'm only as depressive as everyone else and there are pills for that, I'm also not that bad in bed, and there's pills for that too, so… Why am I a lost case? I don't get it…
Eros: No that's not it Mr. Lioncourt, sorry I made a mistake…
John: Ah! (says relived) So I'm not a lost case, after all?
Eros: No, but… (is interrupted before continuing)
John: I knew it! I knew it! I knew it! (shouts!) You're just joking with me…
Eros: Mr. Lioncourt! Would you be so kind to SHUT UP and let me explain? (Irritated with all the shouting)
John: ok (says intimidated by the agents face)
Eros: What I meant to say earlier Mr. Lioncourt, is that You're not a lost case, in fact we don't know what you are… because we lost your case file, it's really unfortunate of you I think this is the first in the last sixty years or so…
John: You lost my case? That's not bad, right? You do have backups, don't you?
Eros: Backups? Backups?! Please Mr. Lioncourt, don't make me laugh.
John: So you don't have backups? ...
Eros: No we don't, there's over 6 thousand million people in the world, There's no space for backups
John: So no back up, what do I do now? Do I fill another case file?
Eros: Another file? No, no, no, you can't have another file, everyone only gets one and that's it.
John: So why am I here? You will search for the file, no doubt. So why call me here?
Eros: Search? Who do you think we are? Some bookworms of some sort?! Search! What a foolish idea. No Mr. Lioncourt, we're not going to search for your file and as for the reason of summoning it is so you fill in a D34T# form, so that we can declare this as a closed case.
John: What's a D34T# file?
Eros: It's just a form where you state that you fully abdicate of the rightful to spend the remaining of your life stream, and leave a recommendation to friends a family, if wish to do so.
John: What? Like a suicide note?
Eros: So you've heard of them…

John Scar Kramer of Lioncourt©2010



Milady De Winter said...

you're not a lost case.
if any one of us had to be the lost case, it would definitely be me. great post

John said...

Maybe(i'm not a lost case) but it seams more and more like it. as of your case... i don't know, id didn't asked

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