Monday, March 1, 2010

As Time tells it

The fire is breading, it takes all the oxygen and burns it into carbon-dioxide, while it tells a story. This is the focus…

"Life, gave birth to beings, who felt that mother's love was greatest thing of all.

Until mother left one child behind to be care for by papa Death…

The beings that were left behind felt a cold scaring freezing wind go through their spine,

And gave it some though, they rationalized it, "emotionized" it, they adored it,

And the triplet suppositions were born.

One was adopted by the rational beings was called "purgatory"

The one who was adopted by the emotional was called "Heaven"

And finally "Hell" who was left to those who devoted themselves to adoration.

Heaven learned to be something that was the contraire to all, it would be light in darkness and a black dot in a with surface,

Purgatory, created unknowns and broke reality into pieces…

Hell took all those believes and mixed it up with the broken pieces of reality to create illusion, fear and the seven sins.

Heaven went to complain about Hell to Purgatory, who communicated the misbehavior to the rationales

The rationales hearing upon the devious behavior of Hell, went to the devoted who refused to break their comfort to give way to doubt.

So the rationales went to punish Hell by themselves, and tried to correct his behavior.

Hell heard about their coming and told illusion and fear to welcome them…

The welcome committee took reason by surprise,

After punching some holes through reason, Hell and his minions gave it a new perspective, and told them it would be better emotions and heaven.

The idea pleased all parameters of reason and it served well enough the laziness of Purgatory.

Heaven was trapped in a golden gate park, to only be opened by those who could trick reason…

And to emotion a body was given to be haunted by fear and illusion for the rest of time…

Mamma life did not like what happened and decided to punish Hell and everyone who should have had taken responsibility.

Papa Death took Hell, Heaven and Purgatory into his care as Mamma requested.

And Reason, Emotion and Devotion were entrapped into the same body until they learned to live along with each other.

And until today, the lesson stays without being learned"

John Scar Kramer of Lioncourt©1st March 1, 2010

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