Saturday, June 27, 2009

Because it was starting to be a nightmare

In the dark of the night I was tossing and turning
and the nightmare I had was as bad as can be --
It scared me out of my wits --
A corpse falling to bits!
Then I opened my eyes
and the nightmare!!

I've created a problem, which now follows me everywhere. I'm an ender teenager saying gibberish, and writing trash. But never did I repent my words like I do today (as in the present).

I've lied so many times, that if it is a sin, I will have a V.I.P. eternal session of pain waiting for me in hell. From white lies to black lies I've done it all. And normally I don't repent it, because I say to myself "everyone lies, what's one more?" But not all is roses, I've been caught lying several times, and more are still to come but not this time, I decided that some things have to stop before they grow out of hand, and this is barely out of reach.

Here goes:

I'm not keeping my promise to deWinter, (if you don't know about the promise, it was about saying who the Diamond really is on deWinter's Birthday). And the reason why is because now the diamond just looks, behaves, acts like just some broken glass.

I know you didn't like what you just read, but to repay everyone who took close attention to the events since the middle of may, I'll answer one question each with the truth, as long it doesn't have anything to do with THE DIAMOND.

Hope you'll understand, if you don't, just lefts me to say I've don't really care.

John Scar Kramer

1 comment:

Jack said...

I'm with you man! (sorry girls...)

Let me just say: It's not that bad! When people loose their "thing" (the thing that caught your attention) just because you looked at them from a different angle, you know it wasn't right to begin with. When she is right for you, she will seem perfect despite all her imperfections...

may you learn from your mistakes ;)
(tranlation: may you talk to me first, the next time!)

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