Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Because 1+1 isn’t 1


In Basic arithmetic's I learned that 1+1=2, as I think all of you did. But in Literature many authors made some mathematical magic and said that 1+1=1…

Never did I understood those illogical writers, growing up and how could I? Joining two pees, one and then the other always left me with two pees, and I can't tell you how much I wanted them to just be one. After many pees pair counting, I decided to give it a rest until a day that I could figure a away to truly say that one is false and the other one is true or that both are true.

And the moment came to me a few months ago… All I got to do is change everything.

I mean, I have to do like physicists and theoretical mathematicians do, break reality to an unreasonable sample of things, to reach the desired result, basically you cheat.

So I found that 1+1 ends up equaling to 1 in situations such as these:

  • 1 1+1 = 1
  • (1+1)0=1
  • (1+1)/(1+1)=1

There are many others, but I think this may be sufficient to prove a point. That you can mold everything in your life to be whatever you wish it to be…

And to be truly in love you have to cheat…

1 comment:

Milady De Winter said...

Knowledge makes me horny!
Is there anything more exciting than KNOWING?

(Loved the note!!)

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