Thursday, December 24, 2009

Rain in Jerusalem

It's raining… it's the first hour of the eve of the presumably birth of THE SAVIOR and the skies don't show the sparkling beauty of diamond sky. All I see is a harmonic rumbling on the floor, almost a timer, "drop drop drop drop drop"… microseconds between them, and then a whisper wind whistling in a harmonic tone, and a shout of a thunder that covers all others for a micro frame. If I were a Pagan I would say that Poseidon decided to unite the land with the sea…

How ironic that in the eve of the day we celebrate reunion between people and love to all kind, the skies greet us with such a heavy melody?

"It's just the weather!" you say, and right reasonable answer, no one can object such educated observation, congrats…

The weather… think about it; millions of millions of little beings, cells, or atoms, nuclear bits that make as a whole synchronized motion the rain, the clouds and the sunny day. They are so little compared to us and still they make us change our way of living with just a simple shift from cloudy to rainy, from windy to a breezy afternoon.

And today, a day of celebration for us and they decided it should rain…

As I'm standing in my room, typing this little words and, look outside, to the falling water and the chilling wind. I can only think of the free spirit of the water and of all its components, and the lucky feeling I have for the fact I'm just witness to the rain, thunder and wind, rather than a prop in its spectacle.

The world isn't fair… and it won't be even after today, although we'd loved that.

Christ was born 2009 years ago to save us, and so we believe he did… but he didn't throw money to the poor and hungry. He hoped, instead, to unite the humans to the belief that we're all the same and all different just like all the rain drops.

After all the bad weather isn't as bad as we say, it's here, this day , to remind us that we all come from the same, all of us were born, and all of us will end on the ground, no matter how much wind or lightning we get on our way, all symphonies have a beginning and an end.

Think about it;
John Scar Kramer of Lioncourt
P.S.: Enjoy Christmas as much as you possibly can, it's worth it

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