Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The “I know you messed with my computer” post

Yes, dear deWinter i know you cheated on the test and checked my computer for the answers. But that isn't important, what I mind is that you didn't hide the evidence effectively and then lied once more to me… (I'm getting a little sick of so much betrayal)

The evidences were the following:

  1. I left a webpage opened, it was closed when I came back
  2. The top of my laptop wasn't fully open, meaning someone shorter than me, was reading the something from my computer
  3. The electric cable wasn't well connected that states that someone moved my computer
  4. The electric cable went around your book and it didn't before I left.

I don't usually check for details but when I smell something fishy I can't help myself.

Please do not lie again.

John Scar Kramer of Lioncourt


Anonymous said...

I DIDN'T do it.
Was i lucky?? Yes, but that's it.

But even If i would had done it, you have no morals when it comes to lie once you lie to everyone!


John said...

NO Morals, me? that's not true people know i don't tell the truth, so they can trust me to lie.
But you i can't trust you nor to lie or tell the truth.

Milady De Winter said...

That is the fun about me.!
The not-knowing...what to except..

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