Sunday, February 21, 2010

drink drinking drunk

This might come out as a complicated thingyy because i'm a little bit drunk and very much tired…

I went to a friend's party, better call it social gathering in a bar, and it was fun!

I got there it was already past midnight and it was raining cats and dogs, the bar was a small place just fit for a small reunion or something of the sort. I congratulated my friend for the occasion and he introduced me to his peers, who were sitting around a small table smoking their cigarettes and drinking their desired nectar.

As it was a small bar, it was rather choosy and crowded, so I went outside to catch a breather of fresh air, for a while and had a little talk with the baby of the day.

We talked about things and stuff… But when we got in I was amazed, it seemed like I entered the ocean, with its different water flows, people were dancing and putting their hands in the air it seemed like waves in this ocean.

I was offered a bit of poison and to exclude any possibility of rudeness I accepted, I was hoping not to drink too much to keep me from succumbing to it. But I wasn't able… And after a while I ended up on dying on the beach. But it was fun, and now I understand deWinter a bit more, just a bit.



Milady De Winter said...

You?? Getting drunk???
I am...whaoo!

John said...

i think the end of the world must be near,
watch out!!

Sound Track