Extra-topic note:
I know the opinion I'm about to exploit here, can be in the future completely changed and it will make me a hypocrite to the eyes of you, or even senile. I don't care and I don't mind, because in the way I see it, it's better to be called senile for having the right idea, and then, change to the wrong one; than being called senile just for being wrong all the time.
Peer pressure is a fucked up thing, and I don't mean that it is wrong (because sometimes it evens leads to great happenings), but some just can't handle this things and often get the wrong idea.
Sex it's something we're constantly pressured to desire, not only by pears, but also by TV, radio, marketing, all the big social movers and shakers, pressure the individual to join in to the club of non-virgins. It's almost a Sin to reach the age of 40 without having an actual (this excludes masturbation, which is in fact repulse by society in general).
To make a point to this rant I must admit that I'm in the minority, for I'm still a virgin (a rare thing, I know). And I've heard it all; some say I should go for it because it's liberating, others say the first time is a complete disappointment like the next few because you're inexperienced and will lose yourself in so many things you have to take into count, and all say the same in the end you should get it done, as fast as you can to jump to the next thing in life.
Normally my response to this fucking argument is just that it's not time yet. And no I'm not waiting for no one in special, I'm not even searching for a sex partner, there's just something's I'd like to take of the way before, going about sex. And one of this thing is live my parents home, following several others priorities.
But what I want to go about in this bit board isn't my sex life (or better yet non-existing sex life). What I really want to do is talk about the "proud" non-virgins that go strutting throughout the world. Because some sense has to put on to their stupid heads; it's not all good, you know?
(And now I must turn to a particular situation, because this is as opened to the world as it is to my small aggregation of friends)
This pressure, of being part of the "group" has hasted the brainless chicken ginger (and I'm being harsh because it's the best way to get some attention). And I don't know if something went terribly wrong, or something of the sort, the fact is that she's not rejoicing over the deed. It actually appears like if she's waiting for someone to tell her that she's done the right thing, and give her a pat on the back. I can't give you proof of what I'm saying, but something in her actions tells me that there's a big sense of shame, deep in her heart, or at least confusion, because she's "bragging" about it to everyone, but in a way like she's explaining how it all went through, how it was ecstatic and overwhelming. Just to impress the audience, just for show of.
It may well seem to her like she's building a heroic status in the group, by trashing herself, but she isn't. She's putting herself in the gutter for no good reason, which is shamble and unworthy (looking far back), I Just hope she changes her ways, because she's tracking a path that is sure to bring her many grieves.
It's how they warn "pride comes before a fall", and Ginger is setting herself for a great fall, one that it will be hard to get back up on to her feet afterwards.
Because we worry
Lestat of Lioncourt