Sunday, August 9, 2009

2 small texts after Aquashow

Baby sitting
I decided to go to the water fun park with my younger siblings and some cousins, and HOOO BOYYY how stupid was I to do such a thing. It’s even worse than taking care of drunken girls, because the first hand not all of them are girls, none are drunk and, FUCK, they kick hard when they hit you.
But I designed a plan to make everything less kicky for me, everyone would stay together (less than 30 meters apart from anyone of the group), and it all went fine until it was lunch time. (I HATE lunch time) The girls didn’t want to eat because they have to keep in shape (5-13 years old girls have to be in shape for what? For god sakes), then the youngest of the boys (my godson) wanted his hot dog with ketchup, mayonnaise and mustard; instead of the mayonnaise, mustard and ketchup he had in his hand (BRRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!). After 10 torturous minutes everyone had at least a bite to eat, and as soon I gave the order to disperse, you could forget the less than 30 meters limit, it was more like more than 50 meters apart and if needed clime the tree.
It took me a freaking, hell friezing of a time to join everyone back together to leave, leaving me with less than it is due to enjoy the freaking water slides… It was an experience never to repeat again.
P.S.: Here’s an episode to make you laugh for a while, in one of the morning rides I went with my god son to the foams, and the life guard ask for both our ages (7 and 19 I’ll let you decide which is whose), after acknowledging this he says “ You and your son can now proceed”, What the Fuck?

I hate huge buts and I cannot lie.
There’s a pandemic around, and it’s not the swine flu. After going to an aquatic park with my family, I’m faced and marveled at the beauty of the female and the extravagances to reach such standers. I’m like every other man who likes a pair of curved lines, but sometimes girls just take it too curvy for me. I appreciate the fact that some of the people from the female gender put themselves under the knife to upgrade, give greater detail, push up, push down, whatever… I really appreciate that (and so I think does the rest of the male gender that isn’t searching for a way to the poo go backwards), but please don’t take it too far – and by taking too far I mean you could crush a small boy’s scull if you’re not careful turning right.

Both by
Lestat of Lioncourt ( the fucked up one)

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