Saturday, August 15, 2009

She's no longer perfect

“She lacks the indefinable charm of weakness.”


Milady De Winter said...

Neither is he. LoL
But see it from this point of view, nobody ever is, not forever anyway.

John said...

I don't get it... why now? Why not earlier? or later.

Jack said...

@ Milady:

lol he never was, no argue there!
I know that nobody is, not forever... The thing is, that moment in wich you see the first imperfection, is quite sad =(


why not now? Earlier, I tried to convince myself otherwise, later it would be a waste of time...

@you all:

My motives are simple and hollow. I found the quote and liked it. I like girls with that hint of weakness in them. I don't like cold people, with superiority complexes, who don't get hurt (or try not to show it), who want to be always on top of their game...

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