Thursday, August 6, 2009

When life get's tough, we say we don't give a crap

I wished I could do this to most of the problems I have, Wouldn't you?

Lestat of Lioncourt


Jack said...

I guess it's not that hard... What you mean is you wish you could do that with no bad consequences. That's harder!

I have to say, you kinda do that many times already. Maybe try not to, try to care about stuff, try not to sit aside letting it happen. Make a mess and learn from your mistakes.

John said...

There's no consequence if there's no action, you said it yourself in "in this world", and not giving a craps ass about something is indeed a no action event. You can see it in the video, the lady, played by Hugh Laurie, is left speechless.
So there can't be much harm done can it?

But if your right, and that you must be because I have an history of feeling miserable, then i'll try it when i get back home, i'll listen to whatever anyone has to say for the time you find to be enough to prove me wrong.

With all the spotlight on me,
Lestat of Lioncourt

Jack said...

Read carefully: I didn't say whatever is on "In this world". That world is NOT the world we live in. In our world there is a consequence even if there's no action. Sometimes a bad one! Don't trust the lady in the video, life's not a comedy show.

All I'm saying is I think it's better to try and fail then not to try at all. You can't learn from your mistakes by not making them.
I don't care if you listen to what I say (altough girls do tend to like that lol) I wish you'd care to listen to it, not just to write about it, not just to mock it, not for any particular reason.

John said...

i'm sorry to got the quote all wrong.
About life not being a comedy show that's just too bad init?
And i do try to listen, and i do try to not make use of such things, but that's just who i am...
Mistakes? i've made a few hundred, in my short life time, and i'm shore to double it even before i go home. but let's not get ourselves mad over this, let's just say that everyone is how they are, because that's what makes them special, and that's what makes us love them. (and this wasn't just for the girls)

Lestat of Lioncourt

Milady De Winter said...

I gotta say I'm with Jack on this one.

The real problem is, even when you make mistakes, you don't get real consequences because you live so little in society. You get out there, fail, get through people (complications) and then we'll talk about this matter as equals.


John said...

Dear deWinter you're always on jack's side, so it's no different now.
I wonder how can both of you can have so much knowledge to offer me but fail to do so... I must be really an hard headed son of a break.
will see who has more to say when...

Jack said...

You're right. I surrender myself to my ignorance. A give too much advice that I don't follow...

“Nothing that is worth knowing can be taught.” Oscar Wilde

John said...

"Nothing that is worth knowing can be taught" but it can be learn, and educated.
Giving advices is all too good, but no one ever listens, so better tell tales or put people on a situation where that knowledge has to be applied. That's something my coach taught me.

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