Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Life's all about timing.

Sometimes, when something is not right, when it doesn't fit in your timeline, either because it came too early, too late, or exactly at the right moment, you should be careful about it and suspect it.
I told someone a secret (kind of a secret), let's imagine it was two days ago, and tomorrow that subject will come out in conversation with some other person, for the first time ever, with no aparent justification. Let's assume that is a delicate subject. Let's also assume those people know each other, they're good friends actually.
So... my dillema: is it just coincidence, or the timing's just not right?


Milady De Winter said...

I believe in coincidences.
But i also believe that people often talk about what they are not suppose to with who they are not suppose to.

John said...

Just to clear my mind of things
This isn't about me, is it?
Because I've corrected my ways and don't need to be punished anymore. Right?

Milady De Winter said...

i really don't what it is all about.

Jack said...

@Milady: Exactly! That's my point. I just don't know what to believe more...

@Lestat: lol there's a popular expression that reflects exactly what you're feeling but, apart from not quite remembering what it is, I can't reproduce it in English.
But hey, no worries my friend, you're off the hook.

John said...

Now that it is clear, that it isn't about me, i'll properly comment the post.

I alike deWinter believe in coincidents, but only in the way that it is regarded as a point of view.
What that means is that most certantly someone opened their mouth one too many times. (not necessarily having intentions to harm, or whatever.)

About timing... Fuck it, if things don't come out when you expect them to do, you re-adapt and move on, or else you'll be fucked up yourself.

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