Monday, March 30, 2009

Forever Young

“All God does is watch us and kill us when we get boring. We must never, ever be boring.”


Sin said...

Nice tip! **

Milady De Winter said...

i'm sorry you got bored...

Sin said...

The only thing I think that got boring is the absense of comunication. You used to have something to say, when I disagreed with you guys. When somenone disagreed with your point of views, you used to argue, fight for your believes, and that was interesting. When you stop doing that it´s a monologue, and that´s not funny, at least not for me. I think it´s kind, to say something when someone comments your posts. It doesn´t really matter if it´s nice, or not, it´s something... But that´s just me. I used to feel alive round here, for the better and the worst. Now, it´s just... a habit.

Milady De Winter said...

sin, i'm sorry YOU got bored!

Sound Track