Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Forever Young 2

When you reach a certain age, you're officially a grown-up. Sunddenly you can vote, drive, go to jail.. From that moment on, society expects something from you, at least responsability.

But, what means to be a grown up? It that different from being a teenager?
Truth is, we never grow up completly.Not for real. There is always a part of us which represents imaturity...
The difference between a kid and an adult is the control over that percentage of ourselfs, or that is how it should work!
Youth is good.The adventured-spirit, being rebel...all of it is part of what we are. If kids are the pure versions of Humanity, then these characteristics are Human-alike and we should preserv our essence..(once we failed preservation in many other areas).

Anyway, if you're old enough (which i know you are), be! Don't try to be this or that, just Be!!
Be responsable, be irresponsable, be you because You can't run from the fact that All of us are going to be forever wondering, forever young!!


Sin said...

Hei milady, «18 till I die»! That´s one of my favourites quotes. That´s how I´m, and possibly, I´ll be like that in the long run. Enjoy while everybody isn´t expecting nothing else from you than being a teenager. Believe me when I say it gets harder, when you feel young but you are not so young as you wish, so... enjoy the ride! I´m doing the best I can to do the same.

Milady De Winter said...

You're never too old...there is no "blacklist" of things you're no longer aloud to do.
If life points it out any other way, which i know it does, fight it back!!
Life is a holiday and, therefore, enjoy it, have fun! (because no one knows what comes next and it could be not as pleasent and peacefull as we think it might be.

Sin said...

:) hei, thanks a lot. I really apreciate it. You are right, life is no sweet pie but if you let yourself «die», it gets so much worse... I can´t see life as a holiday anymore, but I like to see it as a week with 4 days of work and 3 days weekend :p and if you enjoy the weekend, then it will be easier to deal with the other days ;)**

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