Wednesday, March 18, 2009


In life we are taught there are seven deadly sins and we know the big ones : lust, gluttony, greed,envy,pride,sloth and anger.But anger is a sin you don't hear that much about.
Maybe the reason you don't is because we think anger isn't that dangerous, that is really common nowadays, that we can control it. My point is maybe we don't give it enough credit. Maybe it can be a lot more dangerous than we think....after all,when it comes to (self) destructive behavior, it didn't make the top seven!!
It's actually pretty simple: you give into a sin like envy or pride and you'll only heart yourself. Try lust or greed and you'll only heart yourself and probably one or two others...
But anger...anger is the worst!!The mother of all sins...not only it can drive you over the edge, but when it does, you can take an awful lots of others people with you...

Now, this crappy talk only applies to believers...You know, deadly sins can only kill if you believe so...However, even not being a believer, i would rather avoid future embarrassing talks with superior being and therefore, when i'm angry at something, i lock myself at home!! Maybe you should the same instead of shooting know, budget bullets suck!! (blame Karma!)


John said...

I would like you ansewred one thing. What have you done?

Sin said...

I don´t agree with you, all mortal sins make others suffer. If you are destroying your self with sins like envy, pride and lust, there are other peolpe envolved. There´s never only you. If you comitte suicide, you hurt lots of people that love you; But yes, anger is the most neglected sin, and we should not forget that it can drive people to do other mortal sins that are more deadly... But I don´t believe that locking yourself at home will magically turn things better around you.

Milady De Winter said...

i never said it would make things alright...i just said when i feel anger is going to win me, i don't go out so i don't heart other people...especially people i care about...but it's just for the day.

John, i haven't done anything!

Sin said...

If that anger goes away it´s a nice trick. I tried something like that in the past, but it just got more controled, but it didn´t go away :( Did that work for you? Hope you´re ok.**

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