Monday, March 2, 2009


Here’s a new hobby, with very kinds of practicing it, some choose to kick a ball in sports like football, other bags like jujitsu and other martial arts, but my favorite is kicking people.
I’m not talking about like the English teens do it, that choose someone randomly and beat him to death, no my way is less splashy, and more lethal.

I Like to KICK People down, break them mentally, destroy believes and theories whish they accept. Basically what I like to do is to add plus one to the depression group (that’s the goal), or the frustration path (second best, but still very rewarding), the only way I lose in this game is if I don’t find a weak spot, or the person I do this to and I become friends (Like the Lady and Jack) but in this later one I still win out side of the sport.

The rules are simple:

1. Acquire only one target, the option of a second target at the same time always backfires.
2. Do what you have to do, a strong enemy always has its flaws hit them hard.
3. Don’t share target’s or tell who it is, they’ll know eventually.
4. No More rules.

I’ll talk about strategies later, for now I just need to say something that is certainly going to backfire.

I’m Winning this litle game of mine.

John Scar Kramer

P.S.: Don't forget to vote for me to be the clown of the year I truly deserve it.


Olivia said...

I don't understand your hobby =/ as half the things in this blog I don't understand x)

Why do you like to "KICK People down, break them mentally, destroy believes and theories whish they accept"? Does it make you happier to do that to other people? Does it make you feel accomplished?

I could, but I'm not here to judge you, I don't really know you and I don't think it would make a difference.. But it makes me kind of sad that someone who is a good friend of a good friend of mine thinks like that =/

John said...

Firends should judge.
If they don't how the hell will they give avices.

Please judge me
John Scar Kramer

Olivia said...

Hmmm, I wouldn't say "judge", I would say "criticize". I think that their healthy critics to the attitudes with wich they don't agree and their advices can maybe help us to improve ourselves and be better.

So, I hope your friends criticize your attitudes with wich they don't agree and advise you to be better =) (wich doens't mean they think the same way I do - mostly I don't appreciate your hobby because I don't like the goal of it =/)

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