Monday, April 13, 2009

A friend in need is a friend indeed....

Pure morning - Placebo

Truth be told friends are some bullshit guys (no bad intended) you invite to pass the evening with you, and beg for money, every other time. No one likes to hear that, so we has friends of each other’s normally don't say it or write it like I did.
To be friend is somehow odd to me. Because I don't trust anyone (The reason I don't trust anyone, is because it's easier to tackle someone then to help him up)
, at least entirely. And the closes to me know that. And although we say friends are the ones who respect you for who you are. They still go around my back trying to know what secrets I secretly keep. (Not that I mind)
Telling the truth doesn't really matter in the general idea, it depends, from case to case. I can't blame my friends for lying to me, I do the same.
And something about truth: In the end, truth it's what stays in history, that has we all know is told by the winners.



Anonymous said...

I was like you, exactly like you. I trusted nobody.
Then I met my now best friend. And, I don't know how, or when it changed, but it changed. Now I'm more open for new people, or at least I don't care so much anymore. But still, when it comes to the topic of love, or even being in love, I can't get over myself to trust someone blindly. I really hope this will change too...

Milady De Winter said...

i believe you're actually being an hiprocate. Sorry, i know you are an hiprocrate. And i honestly don't care. I like you that way. It makes you special.

The reason why i think you see me and Jack as your friends is because we don't ask for much.

"Two can keep a secret if one of them is dead!"

Sound Track