Thursday, April 30, 2009

Disco vs. Fun

In less than a week, I saw what I've been missing and what I miss.

Both have the same name, yet great is the difference between them. I'm talking about parties.

This weekend I got the chance to peek what my generation enjoy their selves in this celebrations, that's what I've been missing. And two days after, in the first day of the workweek, I was how I used to celebrate every good thing that happened to me at my ten years of age, that's what I miss.

It's hard sometime to look back… Because we sometimes lose our selves reminiscing, seeing all the good, but forgetting the bad. Although this case is like so, age gave me responsibility that I did not want, and perks I do not wish, and speeches I'm tiered to hear. I've been missing what people say to be the best years of my life, not because I'm a workaholic, far from that. I just don't want to get drunk, smoke weed and wake up every day with a freaking headache, and call that the best party of my life. No! I like my routes more than my leafs, my perfect party would be an afternoon playing whatever game me and my friends want to enjoy, then race karts, ending the day with dinner and a great movie.

Now this isn't a common request among those of my age, and they say that I'm at the age of trying new things, and that I should open myself to change.

Well unfortunately for me change always comes. But I think that even then I'll prefer my ten year-old party to my twentieth.

John Scar Kramer


Jack said...

Amen to that!

Milady De Winter said...

It's funny how out of the ordinary you both are.That's one of the things i have a crush for!!

Even though i'm a little more like them then you are,i do believe we don't depend on that weed-wasted-spirit in order to have fun and a great life.

BTW,this perspective does not make us boring, makes us smart,bigger.

Sound Track