Sunday, April 12, 2009

Truth or Dare?

Last week Jack and I found ourselves discussing whether friends should tell the truth, no matter how much it might hurt the other person or if friends should be only concerned with the other person well being. Back then i was soure of my position: truth always, but now i can see what Jack meant.

Friends give friends a number of things : advices, full attention,truth...!!
TRUTH is hard, the truth is awkward and very often the truth hurts. I mean, people say they want the truth but do they really? Truth is sometimes they don 't.
Deep down, nobody wants to hear it. Sometimes we tell the truth because the truth is all we have to give. Sometimes we tell the truth because we need to say it out loud so we can hear it from ourselves. Sometimes we tell the truth because we can’t just help ourselves.
But what really pisses me off is I know Sometimes truth isn’t good enough, sometimes people deserve more...
And so i have to think we tell them the truth because we owe them, at least that much.

Jack, i'm sorry i waited that long to tell you the truth and i'm glad you were able to forgive me. But that situation made me realise a lot of things i was blindly ignoring. Thank you!


Calvin said...

I always try to say the truth, some of my friends don't like it, but first I need to think which is best, truth or hide the truth.
Normally I say the truth because I like to ear it too, but when my friends need support I hide the truth and support them the best I can.

One of my flaws it's that I am, normally, too direct when it comes to say the truth, can't control it, sorry, which makes my friends sad, because many of them preferred not to know the truth.
When I hide, or lie about the truth, I feel sad for me and for them, because I don't like to lie to my friends, all other people I lie just to get them off me... ^^'(DON'T JUDGE ME!)

So, if you come to me intended to know something, think first, I may say the truth! harsh, cold and direct!

@Milady: what was that Jack said that made you change your mind?

@Jack: what have you said to Milady so that she changed her mind? ^^

Help me too!


Olivia said...

So, if I understand what you are saying, you’re talking about if you should always tell your friends the truth or if sometimes you should lie to protect them, right?

In my opinion we should always try telling our friends the truth, but I also know how hard is sometimes knowing that the truth will hurt them and maybe it’s better to lie… Some people may think this is bullshit, but it really isn’t, it’s just a way we sometimes find to protect them. At least for me, when I lie to my friends I don’t feel good about myself and if I think it is something really important, I almost all of the times end up telling them the truth.

Of course I also think that it always depends on what you are talking about… There are those little lies you tell when someone asks you about your weight or how you are feeling or if you like their shoes! But there are also those cases when you telling or not the truth can change that person’s life or the way he/she sees something or someone. Then you have to think twice about what you should do…

But I think that the hardest thing is when you are between friends and you have to make a choice (in this situation you always have to decide who you want to protect and you always end up being unfair to someone) or when you are between a friend and the things you believe in (where you have to decide being faithful to yourself or put the love you have for your friend above everything). That’s when I really feel lost!


Milady De Winter said...

Calvin, Jack told me something kind of Oracle told Neo...something simple.
He told me he was mad at me for not telling him the truth when i first found out. It really touched my soul.
Having someone like Jack looking into your eyes and telling you's nearly unbarable.

Calvin and Olivia,
i've done some thinking and you can totally lie to protect beloved ones But only in an emergency situation... you can tell them the truth eventually, after the dust settles...

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