Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Their bound to steal it away

Get Out Alive - Three Days Grace

Don't put your life in someone's hands
Their bound to steal it away

The music is great, but the only thing i want to focus on is the two verses i transcriped from the lyrics.
Can you really trust someone in this world?
If you think of it properly... you see you don't even trust yourself. Proof? Easy to find actually. Just remember the last time you did not bought that chocolate, because you could not stop yourself of eating it all at once. Or the time you said it would be the last.

Trust is a hard thing to come by, more in our days dan in the past. But i trust in people, so do you, because if not we would just go insane, with all the screts we keep, the thing is that i don't trust them with the key. It may sound like some rubish Harry putters thing but it is true. I give almost every peace of information that i have to my trusties, leaving only some key element behind.
Jack and deWinter don't acktually have any idea of wich are my screts, but they know some of the screts i keep from others.

And to show I appreciation I'll tell you one: "there's something I'm not keeping for mutch longer"


Sin said...

I agree with you. To trust someone is hard, because people will eventually let you down. They are not perfect, neither is you, you too will let them down. The thing is how you deal with that.
I have the oposite problem: I can´t keep my secrets from my closest friends. For me is harder not to tell. But I understand why you do it. It´s safer, but it´s a more lonelier way of living. I rather take the risk.

John said...

Sin can I trust you with something? you know all that time we both spend atacking each other? I'm kinda sick of that, and so is everyone else. so from now on I promisse to stop annoying you.
But I would like to say something, to make shore you don't forget. I don't trust annyone with the hole truth.
And one more thing, I am, You are, He/She/It is, We are,You are, They are.


Anonymous said...

@John: shore ≠ sure.

Sin said...

ahahah, ok John, fine with me. I stopped that war some time ago. But since we are correcting spelling mistakes... it´s make sure (certeza), not shore (enseada); it´s anyone, not annyone; whole (toda)truth, not hole(buraco) and it´s attacking, not atacking.

Now, again, about trust, it´s an option. Both ways have pros and cons.

Milady De Winter said...

We all have secrets...

Actually, one of the things i think is so cool about the three of us is we all have matters we don't talk about...even with each other.The thing is, our relationship aloud us silent matters, even though we all know they're there.

One of the things i learned from John is secrets are need. [I mean, just think about CIA's point!]

Sound Track