Friday, April 3, 2009

Spit it Out

At any given moment the brain has 40 bilion neurons firing at the speed of 450 km/h. We don't have control over most of them when we get a chill, when you get excited, adreline. (oh yeah, i did my homework)

The body naturally fallows its impulsives which i think is part of what it makes it so hard for us to control ours. Of course sometimes we have impulses we would rather not control that we later wish we had.

Well, body is a slave of its impulsives but the thing that makes us human is what we can control.

However, i think we should be impulses as much as we can, because, the way i see things, most of the time you stop yourself from doing something you're about to do, it doesn't make any difference. If you choose not to do it, then you're being an hipocrate to yourself and that' not good.
You should look at this like this, after the storm, after the rush, after the hit of the moment has passed you can clean up the messes you've made..
We should be genuin [as much as we can] and stop to try to please/get along with everyone..


Olivia said...

Niiice milady! =P

I agree. Of course I advocate the middle term, but as I am one of those people who overcontrols themselves, I wish I could let this part go a little and become more spontaneous.. I think most people usually have trouble in controling themselves, they often regret something they did and they wish they were more racional. I am the opposite! I have trouble in not controling myself!

And this is not as good as it might seem for some people.. This will make you explode some day! As it is my better option, I am longing for that day to come =D

Anyway, be carefull and stay away from me if you don't want to be caught in the middle! x)


Milady De Winter said...

thank you...from time to time it just comes out right.

i know i don't know you that much, but i think you are pretty great. The millionair question is if the world sees you that way partly because of what you avoid coming out or if that is just keeping you from being even greater.

Anyway, i do believe when you reach the extreme point of friendship you no longer need to control yourself, at least that much!..

See ya around!

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