Tuesday, April 21, 2009

If it weren’t a video-game it would be the best movie of the decade

My friends you are witnessing a rare moment in my lifetime, for I'm now willing to bow for someone else than my reflection. Hideo Kojima is that that I bow to. Why? Because this man has been able to create the most perfect thing I've ever seen, the Metal Gear Solid series.

I've been a fan of this espionage, infiltration kind of game, from a very early age, although I never played the first episode of the series, I've watched patiently my cousins doing their best to complete the game, at the time played in the first Sony console Play station, also known as PSX or just PS.

After following the first battle between Solid Snake against his brother Liquid, we were all astonished, giving total support to the election of the best game of the century, it was in the year 1999, I think.

We had to wait 4 years and for PS2 to once again take part in a Hideo Kojima artistically mastered video-game. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty, in which we take action with a new character named Raiden, joining shortly forces with the old Snake. This one was a great improvement in graphics making it an exceptional game as well, although at that time I felt that the story was short and less satisfying than the first one.

Three years pasted and we're then awarded with a prequel of the first one, were the gamer takes control of the Big Boss, father of the hero solid Snake, during a cold war crisis. Great game full of the experienced one had similar in the first.

But nothing was ever so good as what was to come…

The Forth and last episode of the Metal Gear Solid Saga. Guns of Patriots . This game is mind twistingly fantastic, making it for me the best game I've ever played.( I don't want to be a spoiler so I'll just say this) Solid Snake: I'm no hero... Never was. I'm just an old killer... Hired to do some wet work.

If you get a chance don't miss it, and enjoy it because the first time is the best.

P.S.: Please comment


John said...

This has been the most seen post of our blog

John said...

This has been the most seen post of our blog

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