Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Just so YOU know...

I just want to tell you to comment this blog. It may not be the best one but is worthy of some comment activity.
Besides, we would really enjoy to be proved wrong.


Calvin said...

Yes, I've been commenting less because I have the same opinion that you guys, and so I think that an 'I agree' comment it would be just too lame, right?

I do want to prove you guys wrong, the reason I don't it's just that there nothing to argue about really lol I'm not saying that your blog it's decaying, it's just that you guys are making my 'commenter' life harder lol

One more thing to Jack: what's with you? have you been shot by love? =P it's just that your latest comments have been a little 'in love' kinda like. Or is it just coincidence?
(if you don't want to publish here, you may say it is coincidence and send me an e-mail saying it isn't ;D)

C'mon you guys.. don't tell me that your life is the same from a week back.. It's hard to believe, my life changed, a little, again...


Anonymous said...

I AM commenting your blog, guys! =)
but as calvin says, it's useless to say just "yes."

Jack said...

I guess we could try an exercise and write things we don't believe in, and try to defend them as hard as we can, Milady :P


We could create false usernames and comment our own posts over and over again!
I'll think about that possibility...

Calvin: It's coincidence. Really, don't go look for an email =)

(don't read this if you're in a hurry, really...)
Oh wait, actually it's not: I met this girl in college, her books had just fallen and I helped her pick them up. Turns out she likes astronomy as well and we got along. (Yes, Milady, she touched her hair... a lot) It was really romantic the first days! We kissed for the first time yesterday at lunch. She tasted like coffee... The good one! She's meeting my mother tomorrow at dinner.

(now it's the part where you say: C'mon don't change the subject and don't act like a smartass!!)

Anonymous said...

this idea with false account wouldn't be so bad, we could even start a discussion on some topic! *g*

@jack: sounds great! where is the problem? :)

Milady De Winter said...

the problem is simple:

He made the whole thing up!
Wild side!

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