Saturday, January 10, 2009


Jack said in his last post and I quot: "This law has many flaws. Two more to add: it comes too late and should have been solved morally, and not legally."

In the overall of his post there is nothing to pussy about, except this last part about morality.
There is a theory somewhere in the library, the perfect world would be one without any rules, and that MORALITY would be enough, that theory is called Anarchy.

Well has I expect you all to know, Anarchy only works in theory not in practice. Because people don't behave the same way, in fact it is impossible to act the same way as another person, there is even an economy theory about that, the cost of opportunity. (in the event of a choice you'll always have to sacrifice something)

Having this been said, this makes impossible to all people in a community to respond according to morality, be cause we can't think alike.
Laws are there to protect us, their flaws must then be filled by morality, if it still doesn't work, more laws will be created.

For my ending here is Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie, with their example of how stupid anarchy really is:

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