Saturday, January 31, 2009


I hate it!
I have this friend, not really a friend, just a classmate, who is one of those people you can't deal with for more than 2 or 3 days. He calls me with the single purpose of asking things, nothing more. He talks about the same things over and over (and over and over...) again! If only it was interesting... But it's not, it' just the uninteresting part of rugby (no offense John, but he makes it sound like 30 bisons going at it, flying around, making strange noises...)
I hope I'm never like that... Wouldn't you hate it too?

1 comment:

Sin said...

I know one or two persons like that, and I can´t call them friends either. I just get too tired to bother. I hate empty conversations. Small talk is not for me. **

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