Just like any other day in wish an elcted presidant takes charge.
But this one is diferente, THIS is OBAMA
Praised be the Lord the saivior has come.
All our worries are now over, lets flush the economic depression down the toilet, We're Free now!!!No? Why not??
It Seemed like it, Parades, bauls, party's.
Some might say.
At the end of the day people are still getting poor, rich, famous, sick, injailed, happy, sad...etc.
People still Have to get on with their lives doing what they do, loving what/who they love, hatting what they hate.
They have to live.
Obama, created a image that his a savior, he might be but not alone, not only with his staff or army.
He will need:
First, every American to get on with their lives and watch how his doing
The thing about Politics is that it only works if every one Lives their life.
If sudenly everyone started living in a farm, eating from what they grow.
Every thing would stop, many of us would die of hunger or war.
And Obama would be incapable of doing any thing, because noone is there to help him.
P.S.: Not making any sense just to say, Obama Isn't savior, he's a Leader to the salvation army (US)
1 comment:
I just wanna say 3 things about this:
1. Salazar was also viewed as a savior when he first got to the presidence. Everyone thought he might actually recover the economy. Well, we all know what happenned... I don't think this has anything to do with little Barack, but History does tend to repeat itself...
2. This is a big moment in american history, no doubt. Not so much in world history, as they insist in saying in all newspapers and tv. Americans already think they are the kings of the world and we keep helping them get even more cocky, it pisses me off!
But, there were 2 million+ people watching yesterday for a reason! Let's see how he deals with the pressure.
3. I hope no one kills him... :/
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