Thursday, January 1, 2009

"You can tell the size of a man by the size of the thing that makes him mad."

So it's almost the end of the beginning of 2009.
I wanted to write my first post here, still today, to assure my friend John that I will begin to write frequently (I'll define frequently later... ) from now on.

For some this might be just a random quote someone said. For those who know me, this is an issue we sometimes discuss: very few things make me angry. It gets funny sometimes. Not trying to get cocky here, but I think I will start answering with that quote when someone says that about me.
Yeah, I know, if you were expecting some profound and deep thought about the human nature and life itself, you might be disapointed... Sorry about that.

Anyway, this is Jack checking in.

1 comment:

Sin said...

It´s a nice quote, big man ;) phisicly and metaphoricly speeking!

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