Sunday, January 18, 2009


Sin said, in a comment below "if you are really extraordinary in one or two areas, you suck in almost everything else". That got me thinking about something I heard the other day. Actually I saw it in a movie... :P
It was this idea that, in the past, as you know, a lot of people did a lot of things. They were good at a lot of things. They were matematicians, philosophers, phisicists, biologists and all that stuff at the same time.
The idea was that, if souls exist, then how would we explain the growing number of people in the world. You would think your soul would leave your body to go to another one, but then if we started with 10 people we would end up with 10 people... quite simple really... But the number of people as increased... so, MAYBE, our souls today are little pieces of souls from the past, little fragments they divided into. And that is why we are so specialized nowadays.

Funny theory, I think. Just wanted to share that thought with you.

1 comment:

Sin said...

Very good theory! Your´s a good soul, not so divided, I mean ;) you are great at many areas, you are a free spirit. Keep going like that, it´s a good thing. Not fulling around, I actually think that about you.

Now, let´s play around a bit. In greece, many centuries ago, men were free thinkers: they thought about why are we here, why does it rain or how can a woman give birth; they could do serious math and psysics. But those were the rich and men, the senate. My question is: what would happen if they had to support their families with labour from their own hands, feed babys, help in the housework and make love to their wifes in a regular basis and keep them happy. No more orgies, alcholl and drugs to relaxe and free your mind. Wouldn´t they bee too tired and bored to think about all that incredible stuff?

;) just my theory, what do you think?

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