Saturday, January 24, 2009

I want to do it!

I have a friend who has a friend who is sick.
I don't know my friend's friend, but I agreed to test my blood to see if we are compatible, 'cause she needs a transplant. And I've been thinking about how much I want us to be compatible. I know the consequences, I know it hurts, but I do want it a lot! I guess it's for two reasons:

1. I do want her to get well and be cured. If I could help in any way, I would do it, regardless how hard it is... This is true, I'm not trying to say I'm the best person alive who risks his life and gives everything for others. I would do it, and not just with my friend's friend.
This is the altruist reason.

2. This is the kinda selfish one.
I would like to have that kind of connection to someone. Especially being someone I don't know. I guess I find that it would be a nice way to meet someone, you know? Knowing that you would share something for the rest of your life. And I would feel good with myself, knowing that I gave something expecting nothing in return.

So I want it very much. Maybe more than what you would find normal, but I can't deny it.


Sin said...

I´m glad there are people like you. With that gesture you can save someone´s life. And that is special.

Olivia said...

=) we did it! I'm just expecting a letter or a call asking me to go there and help someone!


Thank you by the way!

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