Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Reading you

Lately, it has come to my attention that a big part of what we say, it's not actually said... Researchers have shown that around 55%/60% of our communication is made nonverbally. It's something like 7% of spoken words, 38% tone of voice and 55% of body language. Roughly...

That being said, I've learned to read and identify some of these signals, by looking at other people, and thinking about what they are doing. I came to a conclusion: it confuses me!
Ok, not always... Sometimes I'm sure of what people are feeling without them saying anything, because it's just so obvious, you wouldn't believe. But there are people who still trick me, and I get completely lost trying to "read" them.
I guess part of it it's just because I see what I wanna see. And part of it might be because I don't know what the hell I'm doing...

It's easy when it's people you don't know, but it gets harder when you speak to someone at the same time you observe him/her body language. I get confused sometimes...
But, not willing to acknowledge my defeat, I admit that they are confused as well! :P

So I come with a piece of advice: learn the basics of reading body language - either because it's quite cool, or because you might come to know when you're being lied to - but don't trust important decisions on those signals, they might trick you!

And now you know, I'll be watching!!

1 comment:

Sin said...

ahahahah and the winner is the person who can read better that signs. It´s like the imortals. They become more powerful when they kill a strong oponent. If you can read peoples minds, using their body language, you Know more than most of people.
We usually get stuck with words, but words lie and our body, specially eyes, can´t. And we get confused when the message is ambiguous, meaning that verbal content is not according to nonverbal message. I just love this subject. It´s so fascinating! It opens a world of possibilities. But yes, it´s hard to be concentrated in what people are saying and, at the same time, paying attention to what their bodys are telling. But confusion is a sign that something is not right. Someone is tricking you lol

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