Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I love you...

I'd rather have an intelligent enemy than a stupid friend.

David Alfaro Siqueirosfamily

Sorry but I mean it. There is only space for one moron, and that’s me.

We are talking to each other you may think that I’m a stupid or a full of shit, and you are probably right. This is not a self-pity moment, a confection or something like that this is just me seeing me in your eyes.

I’m not a decent guy although I appear to be, and I’m not as rational as I want to be. And I like to play with the truth and lies. And I want to play a game. Believe it or not that’s your choice.

I Love Lady de Winter

Wishing all the best;
John Kramer

1 comment:

Sin said...

lolol If it´s true good for you both, if it´s false... well, I really don´t care. But don´t patronize me. I´m not as stupid as you think and I´m ten years ahead, so I must know a little more than you about life, don´t I? I have no idea if you are a decent guy or not, What I do know is that I don´t agree with your behaviour, that´s all. Can we leave it to that? Cause I like coming here and a Would like to make truces with you. We should save our energy to invest in something productive.

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