Saturday, February 28, 2009

Once Upon a time there were two needy boYs..

Last night i pointed out to my beloved friends how, in this past couples of weeks, we've discuss John's and Jack's love life more than we did in the past 7 years...

personally, i think the only reason for that is your needs...

In others words...

JACK AND JOHN, you and this chicken have a LOT in common!!

(i guess the difference between you both and this chick is that it realises the truth, as you keep fighting the realityback ..)

Now, you must know i Love You Guys..

(and so, just let me know if you neel anything...that's what friends are for!!)


Jack said...

There's three of us remember?

Milady De Winter said...

Oh...i do remember!!
and i keep my theory of 2 needy boys...

John said...

Very funny this post here.

I specialy like the part that me and Jack are compared with a chiken.
(Another Farm reference)

But this is all wrong, the story isn't about two needy boys. In fact it is about one stupid boy and his two true friends (the incredly obseced, control freak girl and the low profile, statagy planer, vengeful guy)

Please correct will you.
John Scar Kramer
(The low profile guy)

Milady De Winter said...

whatever you need to tell yourself so you can sleep at night...

(Jack, he considers us TRUE friends...)

Sin said...

This is fun! lol But I still think it doesn´t resume to sex. But maybe it would help, I´ll give you that! lol

Milady De Winter said...

oh...poor sin...most of the times it's about sex..

Sin said...

lol maybe it works for you, but not for me. Sex is just like using a bandade to stop a bullet shot. It´s nice for a while, but the effect doesn´t last. And when it´s just sex we are talking about it feels like a joint. You get relaxed, enjoy a while and then puf, gone! Try to make love instead, and then you´ll get the difference lolol

Sound Track