Tuesday, February 3, 2009

(One last love post)

Dear Jack,

I'm so sorry you got offended by somethings I said...
I don't mean you're stupid just because you feel in love once upon a time...(i can't believe you make me say it!!)

You know i wish you the best, including someone better than the last bitch..And because i respect your beleives i wish you thAt, otherwise, i would be wishing you a nice way to die...

You know me pretty good and you know sometime i just can't shut up!!..It's my nature..Just like is yours to be good and kind and (only a little, really small bit) naive.

Miss yoU guys...


Jack said...

You know it takes more for me to get mad. Anyhow, I made you say it :P

You see this all story started because John finally admited he likes you!? That's what happens when he does something he doesn't usually do: everyone gets mad!

Anonymous said...

Are we still talking about his post??Or his ass??

John said...


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