Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The title doesn't really matter...

I must say I'm hurt... and disappointed as well.
I'm your friend, and I love you both, but I can't help not to like being called stupid and naive just because I don't feel the same way you do. And taking the risk of not being "cool" I don't like to be mocked just for the fun of it, either.

So you wanna talk about love? I can understand why you do; it's ironic if you think about it: it might not even exist but we can always relate to it somehow.
But I agree, love does not exist. It's a word... All human fellings don't exist (and no, blogs don't really exist, if you're wondering...) They're just this strange things that happen and we trie to understand and qualify and measure but we can't. Fear? Is there actually anything that makes fear real? Sadness... anything? Happyness maybe? I could name a few... And yet we feel them...
Wait, I'm lost, so they don't exist, they are not real, but we feel them? Humm...

If you wanna talk biologically, there are some body "reactions" that you can associate with love. (now it's the time when you say "no, there aren't!!" and then I say "Yes, there are" and after a couple of minutes we both agree we have better things to be doing...) I don't know them by memory, but I do remember one, quite funny actually: when you're "in love", whatever that means, your brain releases some hormones that affect your hability to criticise a certain person. I've seen this somewhere... Oh, I know: "love is blind"!
I could recommend a documentary on the subject, but if you don't believe me why would you believe that guy with the nice voice, saying the same thing?
And while we're here, biologically there's no relations between animals besides basic ones... But I think we both agree we're not (just) animals... We're something more, right? Or are we just animals when it comes to love, but we are not when we do politics or philosophy? That's a bit unfair don't you think?

Oh yes, attraction and desire, the same old story, it's all about that...
I guess you could say it's just attraction and desire when you're talking about 70-year olds celebrating their 50th wedding aniversary, and it's all about sex when you try to wait for a nice person to have your first time with. But the other times? Can you really say it's all just that?

We agree on two more things I think (it's funny, through the whole post I'm actually agreeing with you...)
We do give some people the power to hurt us. And the pain they cause can be so real... But that doesn't make it unworthy. It's inevitable... people will hurt you, whether you let them or not, because you can't keep yourself apart from that, even if you try, you can't close yourself in your little castle and be sure the monsters won't get in. Sometimes, or better, some people aren't worthy your trust and all they do is hurt you, even if you don't notice. That's part of life and will happen whether you're in control of your life or not...

Finally, yes, to be in love is a challenge, you have to dare to do it. Sometimes you won't know until the end that you've taken the challenge. But there will be a moment in your life when you'll say to yourself "I don't know what I'm feeling, I just know I feel it. If this is what love is... it feels good". There's no doubt in my mind. It doesn't matter how tall, short, fat, skinny, uggly, pretty, nice or bad you are.
And then you'll write in your blog, in your diary, you'll tell your best friend, or you will just confess to the one you love, and you'll never remember what I'm saying now. So, there will be no "I told you" moment. But that's good. That way you won't say I spoiled the surprise saying what it would be like.

You believe in what you believe, the same goes for me. What you shouldn't believe is that your believes are the only ones. And I'm sorry, but I'm not stupid. I might not be smart enough to lie, and I'm deffinitely not smart enough to understand why it's good or fun to lie, but it's not nice to call me stupid...

Now, can we go back to movie reviews and funny videos, please?

1 comment:

Sin said...

If I had to describe this post in one word... I would have to say BRILLIANT! And it´s from the guy who considers himself to be under average... Life has a strange sense of humor lol
But I guess your friends were trying to protect you... altought I never meant any harm. Sorry about the all thing. Tata

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